How To Deliver Training With Pizzazz


Many victim service providers deliver trainings as part of their job. In this session, we’ll provide tips on how to develop effective trainings and deliver…

VOICES 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium

New York & online

VOICES is proud to host its 21st Annual Remembrance Symposium, Pathways to Resilience on Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10 at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in New York City.…

Infovictims III – Final Seminar

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, Portugal

APAV and the Infovictims Partnership will promote the seminar “Innovate to humanise the justice system for victims”. The beautiful Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in the very…

#PetPower Night: celebrating the Human Animal Bond

Résidence Palace Brussels, Belgium

Victim Support Europe received the opportunity to present the Facility Dogs Europe project at the upcoming Pet Power event, hosted by Pet alliance Europe. Yes,…