FYDO Final Conference Report is out!

FYDO Final Conference Report
The Final Conference of the European project Facility Dogs in Europe – FYDO took place the 18th October 2022, hosted by the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union in Brussels. This Conference was the conclusion to a VSE-led European project to train and deploy FYDO dogs to support vulnerable victims during criminal proceedings in Belgium, Italy and France. The project’s ultimate goal was to advocate for the embedding of the service into the justice systems and extension of the service in project countries and in the rest of the EU. This report summarizes the discussions that took place during the Conference. The day was split in different sessions; where project members, experts in the field of victim rights, and facility dog training organisations presented the work of FYDO dogs, the accomplishments of the FYDO project, and a future of FYDO dogs in victim support. The conference gathered more than 90 participants from different countries and backgrounds. The event was sponsored by Purina PetCare Europe and Allen & Overy.
Opening remarks were delivered by Saskia Bricmont (Member of the European Parliament for the Greens/European Free Alliance), and Jérôme Moreau (President of the Association Nivernaise d’Aide aux Victimes d’Infractions, and Vice-President of France Victims and Victim Support Europe). Saskia Bricmont praised the work of FYDO and the positive impacts of incorporating FYDO dogs to assist victims of crime. She explained the importance of allowing innovative measures to be a part of the European framework moving forward, including the presence of FYDO dogs in criminal proceedings. Saskia expressed hope in incorporating such approaches in the revision of the EU Victims Rights’ Directive, strengthening and expanding victims’ rights, and called on the Council to take a similar approach. Jérôme Moreau further emphasised the importance of FYDO dogs for victims, and the innovative power of this project in the improvement of victim support. Knowing the stressful and traumatising nature of criminal proceedings, he stressed it is essential we do everything we can to create relaxed, trusting and safe environments for victims. FYDO dogs can help in creating these environments. He highlighted the importance of moving forward in a collaborative partnership with judicial authorities and in an institutional regulated manner, developing European and national policy standards, and promoting the work of FYDO dogs across all Member States. Jérôme called on Member States to recognise in the upcoming revision of the Victim Rights’ Directive the positive impact of these practices to assist victims of crime and protect and ensure their rights.
The origins of FYDO
The first session of the Conference explored the origins of FYDO, with presentations by Ellen O’Neill-Stephens (Founder of Courthouse Dogs Foundation), Michel de Sousa (Network Coordinator at France Victimes), and Aleksandra Ivankovic (Deputy Director of Victim Support Europe).
Ellen O’Neill-Stephens presented the history of courthouse dogs in the USA, pioneered by the Courthouse Dogs Foundation. Starting with her son’s assistance dog, Ellen was working as a prosecuting attorney at the time and she was bringing the dog with her to work. She quickly realised the positive impact the dog had in these settings, and she started to push for the provision of trauma support dogs. The Courthouse Dogs Foundation supports different stakeholders in getting and working with courthouse dogs to support victims, there are now over 300 facility dog teams all over the US. Ellen also noted the importance of adequate and consistent learning of dog handlers.
Michel de Sousa presented how the concept of Facility Dogs to support victims of crime was introduced in France for the first time in Europe. France Victimes view FYDO dogs as a great opportunity for victims, to avoid re traumatisation, and they are pushing for a model that allows for facility dogs to support victims. He explained that with the support of Handi’Chiens, 11 Justice Facility Dogs are working with France Victimes’ associations in France. Michel echoed Ellen on the importance of high standard training to ensure adequate support.
Finally, Aleksandra Ivankovic explained the origins of the project FYDO. An idea that originated in 2017, was then escalated into this European project. The consortium (Canisha (BE), Hachiko (BE), Dog4Life (IT), Handi’Chiens (FR), Viaduq67 (FR), University College of Cork (IE)) decided to develop the project in countries where facility dogs were already present, and where this project was feasible. With the results derived from this project, VSE and FYDO partners will continue efforts to promote the benefits of FYDO dogs and to expand this to more EU Member States.
Unleashing the power of the pet human bond for societal impact
The second session of the day was presented by Mary Sharrock (External Relations Director at Nestle Purina PetCare Europe) and it explored the bond between animals and people, and its positive societal impacts. Mary presented Purina’s mission: to create richer lives for pets and the people who love them. Linking to the UN SDGs, Purina has developed their own 6 commitments, through which they commit to positively impact pets, people, and our planet. They view the FYDO project as connecting to their 4th Commitment, which is to foster people’s health through the power of the pet-human bond. Connecting with organisations such as VSE and the FYDO consortium, they aim to help a million people in vulnerable situations to improve their health and wellbeing. She presented different ongoing Purina projects and encouraged everyone to collaborate moving forward exchanging best practices and research.
Working with FYDO to support victims of crime
This panel, chaired by Léa Meindre-Chautrand (Policy Officer at VSE), was composed by Sabrina Bellucci (Director at Viaduq67), Evi Vandendriessche (First Chief Inspector at Ghent Police Zone), and Patricia Dubois (International Project Manager at Dog4Life).
The panellists were asked about their work in supporting victims with FYDO dogs. At the Ghent Police Zone, Evi Vandendriessche and social workers colleagues work with their FYDO dog Fluff at the stage of first contact with victims, who are then transferred to social workers for a more extensive support. In her personal experience, these dogs are of great support for victims and also for all people involved in supporting victims. She explained the positive impact of Fluff in her team. At Viaduq67 in Strasbourg, Sabrina Bellucci and her team work with FYDO dog Orphée, who is available throughout all stages of proceedings (interviews, hearings, reporting, trials…). Patricia Dubois explained that Dog4Life primary mission is to train assistance dog, however some trainers have followed a training to provide to victims of domestic violence and children in shelters with FYDO dogs in Italy. She stressed the invaluable help FYDO dogs provide in these cases, helping reduce stress and fear in highly traumatic situations.
Sabrina echoed the importance of FYDO dogs, and viewed FYDO’s efforts to connect the animal world and the world of victim support as a great accomplishment.
The next question explored the provision of these services, and who can benefit from this type of support. Sabrina opened the discussion explaining they do not offer FYDO dog for all victims, but choose who to offer them to base on additional emotional support needs. She explained victims of domestic violence are often offered this assistance, to which Patricia also added that the benefits for this type of victims are great. Evi saw a great impact for children particularly. They also highlighted the importance of combining the work of FYDO dogs with psychological support.
Léa questioned the panellists on their experiences with judges and the judicial system. Sabrina explained that, while at first these actors may be reluctant, in her experience they eventually understand how FYDO dogs support humanizes the justice system and can be of great help for victims. In humanizing the process, she also highlighted the importance of conducting activities separated to the justice process, to bring relaxation, peace and create new memories to build a future past the crime. Patricia echoed this, presenting her work in shelters to develop creative activities with the victims and the dogs to promote bonding, trust and communication.
Relating to the challenges working with FYDO dogs, they all agreed on the great personal commitment for the main handlers. They agreed it affects both personal and professional lives, and the importance of being committed and responsible in their training, their wellbeing, and the proper differentiation between their personal and professional relationships as handler and dog. They stressed a strict protocol for the work of the dogs is needed.
To conclude, the panellists were asked about the future of FYDO dogs in their respective countries, and the possibility of a national FYDO framework. They all hoped for these efforts to be continued and incorporated into all stages of a victim’s journey, with a greater acceptance by judicial authorities and a higher acknowledgement of the benefits of FYDO dogs for victim support.
In the Q&A, participants expressed interest for the FYDO project, and reflected on additional ways in which FYDO dogs may be of support. Among the questions, the price of training and handling a FYDO dogs came up. While not mentioning exact numbers, all speakers agreed on the long-term investment in these dogs (in indirect and direct costs), advocated for established sources for funding for handlers and work places, and concluded that, regardless of the price, their impact in victims is invaluable.
What does it mean to train a FYDO and their handler?
This next session was chaired by Pamela Dalby (Fundraising and Sponsorship Advisor at VSE) and explored the dog training aspect of FYDO programme, with Florian Auffret (Research and Development Officer at Handi’Chiens), Gerrit Martens (Co-founder of Canisha), Kaye Botte (Trainer at Hachiko), and Sara Volpi (Trainer at Dog4Life).
In France, Handi’Chiens trains assistance dogs in many different areas varying from support of children, to legal support and in education contexts, or for people with tetraplegia or epilepsy. In Belgium, Canisha’s work focuses mainly on people with disabilities, placing facility dogs in different context as in clinics or in schools for people in the spectrum. Hachiko, in the same lines, works with facility dogs to help people regain autonomy. In Italy, Dog4Life works as well with people with disabilities.
The panel explored the different stages of the dog’s life, their training and development.
Firstly, in the choosing of a FYDO dog, they explained puppies are chosen in the first 6 to 8 weeks. After looking at their family history and the places they were raised, they test their connection with humans. In terms of breed, Retrievers and Labradors are often chosen due to their calm nature and accessible size. They explained good relationships with breeders is important to make sure puppies are raised appropriately in the weeks following their birth.
When identifying a host family for the dog, they must get in-depth training on basic dog knowledge, dog care, and positive training. There are certain aspects to consider, like the family structure, the age of the family’s children if they have any, their lifestyles. For instance, if the family has a baby that could be a good preparation for the dog for future situations, but there is a risk socialisation is not done properly or that they do not get to experience other aspects of daily life like traveling. However, they clarified evaluation of the process is constant and families receive support and training all throughout.
The placement and training of the dogs, as they presented, vary depending on training, maturity, and the programme; but usually take anywhere between 16 to 18 months. Training processes are complex and dogs and their handlers go to school on a regular basis for training.
In terms of placement, panellists explained it depends on the programme. There are tests in place to see how a handler and a dog match up. It is important handlers commit to the work, have a lifestyle that aligns with this work, and are concerned for the welfare of the dogs. It is important that reviews happen often and that handlers are giving the tools early on to ensure they work well with the dogs. Retirement was explained to be dependent on many things, from age to health to the type of work.
The emotional wellbeing of the dogs was brought up, and while there is no scientific proof that these dogs can be traumatise, they all agreed dogs should be monitored for instances of triggers that may lead to behavioural changes. Dogs may also be trained to work in different areas, but these should never be in competition with each other.
Research, Findings and Testimonies
Dr Conor O’Mahoney (Professor of Law at University College Cork) explored the development of a methodology to understand the impact of the FYDO project and the placement of FYDO dogs in situations dealing with victims. Setting the context of the project under international law standards for victim support (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Istanbul Convention, EU Victims’ Rights Directive) that require for the justice system to avoid re traumatisation, Conor and the project viewed FYDO dogs as particularly good and effective to reach this goal. Existing research showed that contact with animals reduces heart-rate, blood pressure, and stress, and that judicial processes are highly stressful and likely to be retraumatising. FYDO dogs were found in previous research to mitigate trauma and establish more open, trustworthy and caring environments for victims.
Through qualitative and quantitative research, the project explored (1) the wellbeing of victims pre and post-interview, (2) wellbeing of parents and support, (3) staff perceptions of victim engagement at interview, and (4) staff wellbeing overtime.
The results presented were preliminary in nature, as the project is still ongoing. For this reason, qualitative findings were presented during this session rather than the quantitative results. For victim wellbeing, the data consistently showed an improvement after the interview. Further research will have to explore causality to determine if dogs are the determinant for this improvement or something else (like a relief of finishing the interview). However, this was viewed as a positive result as it followed the expected results. Results also did not vary greatly between age and gender. Trust was a common theme brought up throughout the interviews, with quotes such as: “… for me the presence of the dog is extremely important, it helps me express emotions that I cannot express with people, it gives me solace … I know I can trust him and he can trust me.”
While there is no concrete data for the impact on parents and support systems yet, quotes from the research show they view these efforts in a positive light, a mother of a victim stated the presence of the dog “calms the situation and the anxiety. I feel comfortable in her presence and I see that it brings joy to my daughter even if she has to remember the painful facts that she would have felt in her life.”. Staff members also responded positively as they see FYDO dogs as drivers in reducing tensions and creating comfortable environments. However, the research found little to no variation in staff wellbeing, which was a surprising finding in view of what had been discussed throughout the day.
Dr Conor O’Mahoney explained the challenges of comparability, language barriers, number of participants and lack of control data the project has to deal with. The next steps will continue the data collection, will increase the sample size, and will focus on developing control groups.
Future of FYDO
The final panel of the conference brought together experts in the field of victim support and victims’ rights who have not encountered FYDO dogs in their work before. The panel was moderated by Levent Altan (Executive Director at VSE), and composed by Axelle de Laforcade (Magistrate, deputy to the head of the victim support and association policy office department of access to rights, justice and assistance to victims at the French Ministry), Katarzyna Janicka-Pawlowska (European Commission Coordinator for Victims’ Rights), Gianluca Forlani (Judge & JHA Counsellor, Judicial Cooperation in criminal matters at Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU), and Jolena Flett (Head of Advocacy and New Projects, Victim Support Northern Ireland).
Speakers agreed on the traumatising and highly stressful nature of judicial processes, the dangers of re traumatisation, and the power FYDO dogs to address these issues especially for the most vulnerable victims. They all showed great interest in working with FYDO dogs and promoting their inclusion in all steps of justice processes. The extension of these services further than judicial processes to all steps of the victim’s journey was supported – from protection to support and participatory rights—, highlighting the emotional importance of this support and its continuity.
From an EU perspective, it was mentioned the importance of making room for this kind of support in the implementation and revision of the EU Victim Rights Directive. This will only make the instrument more effective, and ensure optimal participation in criminal proceedings of victims. The Directive presents certain gaps in its implementation regarding support for victims, and it was emphasized the need to think outside of the box to address these gaps. Support must be adjusted to the particular needs of the victims, and while FYDO dogs are not a miracle single solution, it was recognised as an effective way of supporting victims. Overall, there is a push to create comfortable environments for victims to participate in criminal proceedings, which indirectly includes the work of FYDO dogs.
When talking about barriers faced, speakers presented the possibility of defendants and lawyers arguing against it on the basis of testimonies being polluted by external actors, as well as overall procedural issues due to the lack of regulations. The lack of regulations currently means the acceptance of FYDO dogs in these processes relies on the good will of all legal actors involved, which means not all courts accept it. Speakers explored the idea of using current regulations for assistance dogs for people with disabilities as the legal basis for FYDO dogs. Raising awareness and education about FYDO dogs was mentioned as essential to ensure progress in this field, as right now this practice is too innovative and alternative and thus facing push-backs. They all agreed on the importance of increased efforts to explain the importance and benefits of having FYDO dogs.
Moving forward, speakers agreed regulations for funding, practices and inclusion must be developed to ensure the proper inclusion of FYDO dogs in these processes and to improve victim support, create victim-centred criminal proceedings, and reduce the risks of re traumatisation. Discussions in this field must move forward to create an environment in which FYDO dogs are seen as a positive practice. They concluded that a development of a victim-centred justice will inevitably involve FYDO dogs.
The FYDO Conference was closed by Petra Klein, Vice-President of VSE and board member of Weisser Ring Germany, where she thanked all speakers, VSE staff members, and all participants and attendees. She announced the upcoming FYDO publications, and affirmed VSE and partners are committed to continue this project long-term. She encouraged everyone to spread the word and make this good practice a common practice to empower victims.
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