Launch of Model Provisions Microwebsite

VSE Launches MPP microwebsite:
The Victims’ Rights Directive (VRD) sought to address issues surrounding victimisation and provided a foundation for victims’ rights. But the vast majority of victims never report a crime and seek the justice they deserve. VSE continues to push for improvements to the VRD.
VSE’s ‘Model Provisions Paper’ (MPP) provides a vision for a revised Victims Rights Directive, where our proposed amendments aim to strengthen existing rights and establish clearer obligations for Member States.
In an attempt to further promote the content of our Model Provisions Paper (MPP), Victim Support Europe have released the first version of the MPP microwebsite ( We hope that through this important resource, we can make the information contained in the MPP more immediately accessible. Split into 8 chapters on separate webpages, each article of the MPP along with explanatory commentary is available. If you are seeking specific information about an article or amendment, our microwebsite is the perfect place to obtain it efficiently. And with more developments to the site coming in the near future, it will become an invaluable resource in the promotion of our activities.
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