VSE Policy Officer Léa Meindre-Chautrand speaks SAVE YOU webinar

Last week, VSE Policy Officer Léa Meindre-Chautrand spoke at a webinar of SAVE YOU – a platform dedicated to French women and their children, living outside France, who are victims of domestic violence.
SAVE YOU (Sorority Alliance Victims Expatriates) is a platform for protection, support, mutual aid and accompaniment for French women living outside France who are victims of domestic violence. The platform is made up of legal, health and social professionals who listen to these victims to help them, guide them and carry out administrative, legal and medical procedures. The SAVE YOU platform aims to :
SAVE YOU is accessible anywhere in the world, free of charge.
Last week Thursday, 8 December 2022, SAVE YOU hosted a webinar. VSE Policy Officer Léa Meindre-Chautrand was invited as speaker and presented Victim Support Europe, its network and main activities. VSE member France Victimes was also present during the event.
You can rewatch the recording of the webinar here.
We are very glad to support this important initiative!
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