VSE’s Levent Altan Attends Seminar on Rights of Terrorism Victims in Copenhagen

Photography: Thomas Sjørup
When it comes to victims of terrorism, Denmark finds itself at an important moment. Following recent experiences of terrorism at home and abroad, the Danish government has committed to adopting a new law in 2024 on victims of terrorism.
Recognising this important opportunity, The Finn Nørgaard Association – a member of VSE – set up by and for victims of terrorism – organised a seminar on January 18th on the Rights of Terrorism Victims in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Attended by a diverse audience of professionals, victims of terrorism, politicians and emergency preparedness personnel, this crucial event sought to share knowledge about the needs of terrorism victims by highlighting personal experiences of terrorism in Denmark and abroad. The needs of terrorism victims were also discussed by professionals, whose expertise aided in understanding the practicalities of helping this specific group.
The programme opened with a panel discussion titled “The Needs of Victims of Terror” which aimed to shed light on the following question – what have specific victims experienced, and what needs were not met during and after the attack? This critical panel included the perspectives of four Danish citizens who were victims of terrorism in Denmark and abroad, further facilitating essential dialogue.
Representing Victim Support Europe, Levent Altan gave a speech on the key approaches to incorporating victim focused solutions in terrorism responses. He highlighted that most actions can be predicted and prepared for. Policies and activities by the European Union, including the EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism, by the UN and by Member States have already identified best practices. In other words, no State or politician can say they didn’t expect it or they didn’t know what was required.
Ensuring victim experts are involved in developing the new law will be critical as will designing solutions around the needs of victims, the specific impact of terrorism and the challenges victims face in the days, weeks and years afterwards.
VSE would like to thank the Finn Nørgaard Association for inviting us to this event and we hope it will lead to a positive change for victims of terrorism in Denmark.
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